First select an Area of expertise.
I hereby declare that this application is accurate to the best of my knowledge and I consent to my details being stored electronically and processed in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2018/1725 as described in details of to Privacy Notice - EIGE’s External Experts Database.
PLEASE NOTE: The CEI List of Experts is a tool used solely for the purposes of assessing and identifying suitable external experts for a potential future contractual relationship with EIGE. Inclusion in the list does NOT mean that you are considered to be an official representative of EIGE or in any way entitled to represent EIGE. It therefore follows, by just being invited onto EIGE’s CEI List of Experts, that you are not authorised to speak on behalf of EIGE at public forums or present yourself as an EIGE’s representative/employee/advisor or expert in any way, shape or form (including on Curriculum Vita, social media etc.). Any verified breaches of these restrictions may result in your listing being immediately deleted.