Please note that only applications using the CV in EU format available at the Europass website and the below application form, both duly submitted by e-mail, will be accepted.

Please read carefully the specifications and conditions of the call for expressions of interest before applying.

Please pay attention to providing complete, true, accurate and viable data and contact details:

  • EIGE assumes the truthfulness of the information provided in the CV and application form;
  • EIGE might at all times request written documents supporting the provided information;
  • If the provided information appears to be incorrect of if on request written evidence is not received within two calendar weeks, EIGE reserves the right to delete the information from its list of external experts and to take the necessary actions in accordance with EIGE's financial rules;
  • EIGE cannot be held liable for use of incorect information obtained via the application form.

For any questions related to the External Experts’ database, please contact